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Writer's picture: SalicrowSalicrow

Two is the number of partnerships, connections, and making more out of life through working with another. Representing the pair or duo, in Numerology it speaks of receptivity, gentleness, understanding, and adaptability. While two's in the Tarot often speak of personal relationships, these relationships are not always with other humans, but instead speak simply of a relationship between two beings; which expands the possibilities to include our relationship with spirit guides, deities, and otherworldly beings. Another important piece to remember when thinking on the Twos is that they are not always of a romantic nature, and in fact may have nothing to do with our personal life at all.

One of the important things to remember is that the Tarot is a great storyteller! If you do not understand the message you are receiving, draw more cards, ask more questions. Remember the placement of the card in the spread also determines what story it is telling, as do the cards surrounding it. Another important factor to take in is the suit the card is from, you can find information on the Tarot Suits here- (simply type in the suit you are looking for under the search- cups, swords, pentacles, wands).

Twos also represents choice and opposition! It shows us that there is more than one way to approach a situation; often of equal value, making it necessary for us to bring our intuition into the mix, as the intellect of weighing the pros and cons of the situation come out too close for a clear decision to be made. It is important to remember in such cases that two is a receptive number of give-and-take, it is soft and malleable; where one is direct and self-absorbed, two is considerate of more than themselves, often coming with a feeling of responsibility to others. Slow and pragmatic, twos often present a need to contemplate our actions before taking them; whether speaking of an intimate relationship or a trying decision.

Relationships, decisions, balancing one's burden, are all part of the nature of two in the Tarot. We all know from our own relationships that making decisions and keeping things balanced requires us to consider balance and fairness. When we work in relationships with others; whether it be for business or pleasure, we need to think outside of ourselves. It is through these relationships that we expand our consciousness and being, for working with others makes us think beyond our needs to that of the partnership.

In speaking of the balance of two we must also consider our burden. As we may find ourselves overwhelmed with obligations and need of a solution to handling them. If you find the twos of the tarot presenting themselves to you this may be something you need to look at. Are you taking on too much? Do you need to ask for help? Do you need to learn to be a team player? (Being a team player is all about learning how to do your share, which includes asking for help if you find yourself doing too much).

Remembering the receptive nature of Two we can see a deep connection with the Twos of the Tarot and our intuition. I like to see this as the relationship between my everyday self and my higher self. Often when twos show up in a reading they are showing us that we need to listen to our higher self, that part of us that is eternal; carrying the wisdom of all of our lives. To do this we must still our mind, take a few breathes and feel which of our options is best for us.

Remember you can always ask more questions and draw more cards for clarity! There is nothing that says you have to follow the rules presented to you by the spread; a three-card spread may turn into ten and a full spread may end up taking up all your cards. The key is to create a relationship with your cards and to take your time with your readings. Another helpful bit is to first see what the card tells you before you begin looking things up. In the case of numerology in the tarot, think about what a number means to you, and what the imagery of the card triggers inside your consciousness. We are all intuitive, and with practice, we can develop skills. Don't be afraid to try!

THE PARTNERSHIP OF TWO is part 2 of an 11 part series. You can find my other Tarot Series: my 22 part series on THE MAJOR ARCANA, and my 4 part series on THE SUITS OF THE TAROT, and my 4 part series on the COURT OF THE TAROT by following this link-

spreading love-salicrow PSYCHIC READINGS w/Salicrow- SALICROW'S SCHOOL OF MAGIC- PRE-ORDER Salicrow's upcoming book- The Path of Elemental Witchcraft here- Inner Traditions- Barnes & Nobles- Amazon- Indie Bound-



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