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The everyday Magic of little Rituals...

Writer's picture: SalicrowSalicrow

In the last few weeks, I have noticed a trend of exhaustion in the clients I have done psychic readings for. This exhaustion is emotional and spiritual in nature, with many of the folks I have read needing and wanting to add self-care and magic to their lives, but really just can't find the time to do so.

First I would like to start with self-care and selfishness. There has been a big move in the last decade toward self-care looking like a day at the spa, that has created a social media bickering match over whether too much self-care is selfish. It is true we can become so absorbed in our development of self that we turn a blind eye to the well-being of others. But really, that is a small minority who are truly missing the point. True self-care, in which we take time for ourselves and listen to our needs inevitably makes us look at our own wounding, it leads us through the sparkly white illusion into the darker cobweb filled corners of our being where we must look at our authentic self. This is where self-awareness turns to the needs of others. We start to see how our wounds have affected us and how similar wounding could be responsible for the struggles we see in others. Now that I have that out of the way, and we are aware that self-care doesn't have to lead to selfishness, let us talk about little acts of magic!

Every morning I start my day with a blessing, and in truth, I repeat this blessing throughout my day, for it is in the making of my coffee. Now don't get me wrong, while I do wake up pretty alert and functional, I am not into doing elaborate acts of magic before my morning cup of wonderfulness. The magic I stir into my brew is consistent, repeated time and time again.

Coffee and cannabis are my plant spirit allies, I love them and they love me. Meaning I have a healthy relationship with both. That being said I do LOVE coffee, in fact, I have been drinking coffee-milk since I was about 3 years old when Grammy Brown started putting a few spoonfuls of her coffee into my milk when we were having important visiting time around her kitchen table. With the flavoring of Grammy's stories, coffee has always been a sacred thing to me, bringing me comfort and pleasure.

When we think of COFFEE we think of energy, but if your a hyper-squirrel of a person like me (who most likely would have been diagnosed with ADHD if I had been born in a different generation) coffee is a balancer. For caffeine plays a different role for those of us who are inclined to go Squirrel-on-crack! With this in mind, coffee becomes a representative of energetic balance in my life.

So now we have the base ingredient of my morning ritual, and the thought I mix into its every cup; energetic balance, we are ready to look at the other components, like the maple sugar! Maple and honey are the only sugars I use regularly and in truth 80% of the time it's maple. I love trees and the fact that maple syrup is the essence of the tree. This connects me to the element of earth giving me both sweetness and grounding. Our thoughts are such an important part of magic. The syrup I choose is also intentional, coming from my friends and neighbors down the road at Honest to Goodness Farm ( I love their syrup for its flavor and the care they put into making it.

Honest to Goodness Farm make maple syrup the old fashion way. Wood burned, collected in buckets, and bottled in glass. But best of all; in my opinion, is the care they take for the land. The Bangs are true stewards of the earth, bringing great care and love into everything they do. In the spring before they tap they gather to offer blessings to the trees and to give thanks for the generosity they offer. This is noticeable in the taste and energetic flavoring of their syrup. (Photo-Honest to Goodness Farm)

I mix the maple syrup into my coffee with the same spoon every day, further adding to my magic. The silver spoon I use was stamped with the name of my goddess 'Freyja' by my friend Emily at . Using this spoon every time I make coffee serves as a simple offering to my goddess as well as a reminder of the sweetness she stirs into my life. I do not go into deep philosophical thoughts each time I prepare my magical brew, yet I am conscious that every cup I make is an act of magic, and offering to myself and reminder to live life fully.

I have shared this simple act of daily magic with you in hopes that it inspires you to incorporate little ritualistic action into your routine. Doing so reminds us we are here for more than work and struggle, we are here to savor life, to enjoy simple pleasures, and to be present. The way I prepare my coffee is only one of the little bits of magic I weave into my daily existence, and while each of the bits I work into my day are simple in their nature they add up to a big presence in my life.

Today and everyday honor yourself, be present, and weave a bit of magic into everything you do.

spreading love-salicrow



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