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The Bali Brothers...

Writer's picture: SalicrowSalicrow

Last fall when the veil was thin; days before Halloween, I found an unusual offering on the Facebook Marketplace; two 3' tall, hand-carved Basalt statues from Bali. I am not someone who regularly peruses the marketplace, as I generally see it as being filled with things I do not need, but within moments of scrolling there they were. I could feel their presence immediately, even though the photograph showed them standing unceremoniously against a garage door. There was the spirit in those statues and I wanted to know more.

Having no concern for how wyrd I may sound I reached out to the owner asking for more information on the heads; where had they come from, what history they carried, etc. I could feel there was sentience to them and wanted to know a bit more of the how-so. To my delight, he knew much of their history. The statues had been hand-carved and Bali and brought to the United States by a surfer from NYC who was in the import/export trade. He moved them to his house in Irisburg, VT where they stayed for a few years until he decided to sell his home in Vermont and move back to the city. Not wanting to transport the heavy statues again he sold them to a local friend in Glover (the man selling them) for the last 10 years; standing sentinel outside his garage.

By this point, I knew they needed to come home to my land; Solstice Meadow, but working on refinishing our house bit by bit, I felt the statues were a frivolity (not really, but that was my argument). I tried to let the thought go, but there it was hanging on like a cling-monkey "I belong at Solstice Meadow". So I copied the picture and put it out to my Wisdom Keeper group (a private Facebook group) and told people that I would hold a private group event on my land to put the statues up in the spring, and asked for any who felt moved to do so to donate $11 each toward the purchasing of these statues. We had the money in less than a day, as everyone who saw them was as moved by them as I was.

There was a tight window for picking them up, as the guy needed them to go now! The day I had to pick them up I a scheduled Spirit Gallery on Zoom. Having only about 20 minutes between ending my online event and hitting the road to get the statues meant I didn't have much time to change out of my ceremonial garb before heading out. So I changed into a rune sweatshirt and grabbed my mask, and not much more. My son rode with me in my car and my apprentice Storme followed us in her truck for hauling. Halfway there I stopped for gas and noticed my image in the rear-view mirror; my eyes were heavily lined in dramatic black makeup ...nothing unusual here!

The man who met us was pretty normal looking, and I know my appearance was a bit offsetting to him at first because he asked what we were going to do with the statues with a bit of concern. But luckily once I start talking, regardless of how I am dressed or how odd my make-up may appear I manage to reassure people that I am intelligent and wise, regardless of how wyrd my appearance may be!

Once brought to the land we prepared them to rest for the winter, where they could acclimate to the land. Coming home at Samhain when the veil was thin, they would stay dormant; covered in a large tarp, throughout the winter and be placed in the Spring.

Last weekend during the Beltaine celebration at Solstice Meadow we placed them in their rightful place, holding the Southern Gate of the Central Fire Circle. While it was not consciously a decision to place them at Beltaine (in fact I had forgotten that they were purchased within days of Halloween), there was apparently a need for them to be moved when the veil between the worlds is at its thinnest.

TO BE CONTINUED (next week when more photos of the event come in)-

spreading love-salicrow

Want to learn more about Elemental Magic?

Introduction to Elemental Magic-

The Elements of Magic (full course)-

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