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Stories of Spirit…Stone Circles, Lavender Fields, & Crystal Mine, oh my! [O’Canada]

Writer's picture: SalicrowSalicrow

Yesterday I went adventuring in my backyard…Canada that is!  It was such a great day, with such lovely surprises, I can honestly say I will be going back & soon.  I have lived about 45 minutes from the Canadian boarder for over a quarter of a century, and yet I can count the amount of times I have ventured there on my fingers.  It’s not that I am against Canada, it is more that I have taken for granted the country next door.  A few weeks ago, I was invited (or invited myself, which ever story you prefer) to join a couple of local ladies/clients of mine on an adventure to ‘Mine Cristel’ in Bonesecours, QC.  As excited as I was about going to the mine, I have to say I was completely surprised by the wonders I experienced along the way.

Druid Love…the Stanstead Stone Circle

As a Druid, I can honestly say…I love Stone Circles, in fact I have been known to travel to foreign parts, just to spend time within these Earth Temples.   The Stanstead Stone Circle is located on the 45th parallel; half way between the Earth’s Equator & the North Pole, and on the boarder of Canada & the United States.  No exaggeration on the latter,  you literally cross the boarder in Derby Line, VT and take a right…the Stanstead Circle is less then a 5 minute drive from the United States.  Carrying the energy of Betwixt & Between…half way between the Equator & the North Pole & straddling the line between nations, this circle is aligned to the Autumnal Equinox.  The circle is also a Localvore delight; with all of the granite stones, coming from local mines.

The Stanstead Stone Circle Host events throughout the year.  If your looking for more information, please check out their website


The center stone slab, clearly defines what each stone is aligned to, as well as pointing out the location of the 45th parallel.


In the distance to the East lies two Stones, which are used as focal points for the rising sun on the Autumnal Equinox.

Mary & Jane, my traveling companions; who so kindly let me join in on their adventure, were great tour guides.  After leaving the Stone Circle they took me by a cool, old manor house in Fitch Bay; which has fondly been nicknamed Witch Bay.  How I wanted to go inside and explore this beauty; with it;s gargoyles and Witch Weather vane.  They were such awesome traveling companions.  When I told them I had not explored Canada much, they kept coming up with cool things we should do on our days adventure, as well as sharing other spots with me I should put on my list of things to see & do, in the Land Next Door.  As we drove through the country side, on our way to ‘Mine Cristel’, they told me of their favorite lunch spots, crystal shops, and eccentric hidey-holes that needed exploring at a later date.  I truly had no idea.  I mean our side of the boarder, is kind of rural and uneventful.  I kind of imagined the same in Canada, like…’nothing to see here’, until Montreal.  LOL, I was very wrong.

Bleu Lavande…an Aromatherapy dream

Our next stop; which in reality was a there and back again stop (meaning we stopped on the way to the mine & again on our way home), was ‘Bleu Lavande’, which as they say on their web page…Is a unique experience for the senses.  Located just outside of Fitch Bay; Bleu Lavande is an amazingly gorgeous, sensual delight.  Fields and fields of Organic Lavender…that’s right, fields and fields of Organic Lavender in Canada.  Anyone who has experienced aromatherapy already knows how amazing this must be.  The energy there was truly zen like.  We visited briefly on the way to ‘Mine Cristel’, and then returned after our Crystal Adventure to enjoy the view and a Lavender Cocktail, Gin (local distillery) & Tonic with Lavender for me…it was Divine.


Bleu Lavande with Mary & Jane


So wish this was ‘Scratch & Sniff’

Acres & Acres of Lavender, including a Labyrinth.

Acres & Acres of Lavender, including a Labyrinth.

Gorgeous sand sculptures though out the grounds.

Gorgeous sand sculptures though out the grounds.

The Bleu Lavande show room, where you can purchase all the lovely Organic goodness the create.

The Bleu Lavande show room, where you can purchase all the lovely Organic goodness they create.

Want to go…check out their website for details, directions, and spa info…that’s right folks, you can get a massage in the Lavender fields.  Perhaps next time!  Onward we go…

 the Crystal Sanctuary of ‘Mine Cristel’.

My treasures from Mine Cristel

My treasures from Mine Cristel

Mine Cristel;  located in Bonsecours, QC, is more of a Crystal Sanctuary & Educational center then it is a mine.  That being said, Mine Cristel holds a strong crystal vein and produces high quality Quartz Crystals.  I can not say how much I enjoyed visiting this mine.  I mean I was excited to be going to a Crystal Mine, but when I discovered that the owners had designed it to be a sanctuary, and work to educate the public on the power and presence of Crystals…I was elated.  Mining is done in an open pit; with much of the actual mining being done by hand; with the emphasis being on environmental responsibility and honoring the Crystals as Beings.

Again, I would have to say this was a very Zen experience.  The energy of the center @ Mine Cristel, was true yumminess.  You couldn’t help but know you had entered a sanctuary.  The pathways through the woods leading to the mine, were created with Quartz dust; making you feel like you were walking on some kind of magical path…like the Wizard of Oz or something.  It should also be noted that even though the tour was completely in French, English speaking folks were given i-pods to listen to a recording of the tour.  It was cool to be wearing  earphones (complete with crystal necklace) listening to your own version of the story.

In the middle of no-where, on a dirt road you will find Mine Cristel. That's what GPS' are for Folks!

In the middle of no-where, on a dirt road you will find Mine Cristel. That’s what GPS’ are for Folks!

Crushed Quartz walkways lead the way...

Crushed Quartz walkways lead the way…

the Mine Cristel

the Mine Cristel

Mine Cristel

Mine Cristel

Mine Cristel

Mary  & Jane looking for Crystals

Crystal Adventurers...Mary, Sali & Jane

Crystal Adventurers…Mary, Sali & Jane

I am so thankful to my traveling companions Mary & Jane, who allowed me to come along on their Adventure.  It was a great day going on someone else’s adventure, I think I need to do it more often.  We ended our day of adventure on the back porch of a quaint little restaurant a block away from the Border.  It was located in a neighborhood, so you could easily pass it by as someone’s home.  The food was great and the view from the porch was super cute, homey and well…awesome!

Thanks for reading folks, I hope you enjoyed hearing about my adventure next door.  It really reinforced my belief that the sacred is all around us.  We do not need to travel to exotic locations to experience a Spirit infused life….it’s right there,  in our back yard.  I love to travel, & I love Spiritual Adventure.  The world we live in is so amazingly beautiful, and alive.  When we take the time to open ourselves to the possibilities and start seeing the world with the eyes of an adventurer we can find it anywhere and everywhere.  Living with fullness, allowing our senses to be present in all that we do, is how we are meant to be.  Whether we are exploring our back garden, hopping the border into our neighbors universe, or traveling the world.  It’s all about the way we look at things.

spreading love-salicrow


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