This week I have spent a lot of time thinking about the Family Keepers; the mothers, aunts, & grandmothers that are the glue of our families. Every family has one and they are sorely missed when they cross into Spirit. It is not because they spent lots of money or were world class adventurers, it is because they care so much about everyone & have a way of making every family member feel like they had a ‘special’ relationship with them. As a Medium I meet a lot of Family Keepers, for their work does not end when they cross into Spirit. They most generally take up the role of greeting the rest of the family when their time comes. They are frequent fliers at Seances; as they have a lot of Family they are missing as well.
Last night I was doing a Seance and the Family Keeper was one of the prime guest. Crossed into Spirit a few years ago she was an amazing women who had a real love for family & community…specially when it came to children. She had raised her siblings, her own children, grandchildren, as well as dozens and dozens of children from the neighborhood in her years running a daycare. Being part of the exchange; as she visited with her loved ones made me fee love for her as well. I knew without a shadow of a doubt that she was a truly fine human being.
One of the things most missed about the Family Keeper is their food…good cook or bad, they seem to be big on feeding people. Most of the time they do seem to be good at cooking and it is fondly remembered. With the recent death of my Aunt I have spent a lot of time with my Grammy Brown; who in death is still one of my Family Keepers. Death brings family together, which means I have been around my Father’s family quite a bit lately and heard more then one story that involved my Grandmother’s cooking. She was a good cook and used food as a way to gather family if she was feeling lonely. I remember many nights throughout my childhood where my parents would get us bundled up and heading out to door to my grandmother’s house at 8 o’clock at night; because Grammy had made doughnuts. She used her medicine bottles to cut them out…a big bottle for the outside of the doughnut and a little one for the doughnut holes. Her doughnuts were delicious and huge and often referred to as ‘spare tires’. There was something magical about gathering in her kitchen eating doughnuts when it was dark outside.
These simple memories of just being together as family; doing nothing special-just living, are a vital part of what makes family…family! Meeting Spirits of this caliber on a regular basis makes me appreciate the Family Keepers of my own Family…my great-grandmother (Grammy Brown) & my sister Sandycrow aka Auntie Baba. Grammy Brown crossed the veil when I was 12 and for many years we went rudderless, a family a float without a matriarch. It was hard and there were a lot of family pitfalls during that time. Then my sister became a mother and picked up the baton (wooden spoon more like it), and stepped into the role of Family Keeper. She host the family gathering & has helped raise the family kids, including my grandchildren. My kids have fond memories of staying at her house, eating pancakes and macaroni and cheese & of love. Serious doses of love, even if she does call all the kids ‘Fart-face’. They knew they were loved.
We need to give thanks for these family heroes, now…while they are still alive. Do not wait until they have crossed into Spirit to express your gratitude for the love and generosity they so easily give. They sacrifice and forgive like nobodies business and they deserve a parade or something. I hope you have enjoyed the read folks and go give a great big hug to your Mother, your Sister or your Grandmother…the Family Keeper-you know who she is.
spreading love-salicrow