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Stories of Spirit…Manifestation & Magic [opening to Spirit part 2]

Writer's picture: SalicrowSalicrow

Magic is simply science that has not yet been explained, it is a series that begins with thought and ends with result.  With that in mind, the magic I speak of now, is that of manifestation.  When we find in ourselves the ability to release control & connect deeply with the world around us, we begin to experience the possibilities available to us as co-creators of our lives.  We start to understand how our thoughts, particularly those repetitive, sticky-thoughts; the ones we repeat like mantras of doom, effect our experiences, and we begin to ponder how different life would be if instead of focusing on dreadful things, we focused on that which we desired.

Our brains are like a super-computers, and like computers they can get viruses that effect their programming.  These virus’s are not caught by cough, or sneeze or bodily contact, but by trauma, and repetition.  Trauma is  like blunt force, to the workings of the mind.  It gets in quick and stays for a long, long time, specially if it goes untreated.  Repetition refers to the things we hear and see, over and over again, most often by people we know well…parents, teachers, peers, siblings, friends, etc.  The words and actions of those we surround ourselves with can and often do, have an effect on us.

In my last blog, I spoke about the power of opening oneself to Spirit, and stepping into our role as co-creators.  The first step on this path, is to face that which holds us back; the stories and beliefs we tell about ourselves that are untrue and unkind, created by the words of others and painful experiences.  When approaching such things, it is helpful to remind oneself that we are Spiritual Warriors, doing battle against that which no longer serves us.  The Spiritual Warrior does not use swords, or spears to fight the battles before them…but instead uses love, and the inner strength found by connecting to Spirit.

To become a magic-user of the Co-creation kind, we must first start by looking at our wounding; something we all have.  This is not because the world is cruel, but because we learn and grow through our hardships.  In the same way that a sword is tempered through extreme heat and cold, we are forged through our life experiences.  This does not mean, that we should approve of cruelty, it simply means we can look at our wounding differently.  Instead of seeing it as something meant to break us, we can choose to engage our hardships as teachers.  In this manner we become Spiritual Warriors, keen on our souls path to healing.  We do not shy away from that which haunts us, we turn and look it in the face and see it for the phantom that it is.  For like a ghost, we are often haunted by our past.  In looking at our wounding, we begin to see what parts of our story no longer serve us.

Before we go any further, I want to make it clear that it is exceedingly difficult and unlikely to wish yourself into anything.  You cannot and will not simply step into the slip-stream of  spirit and make all of your life problems go away.  Like all endeavors in life, magic takes effort.  When my kids were little, I use to tell them that god/goddess does not help those who refuse to help themselves.  We can not simply lie around wishing our lives better.  In short, we must work on it…after all creation is pretty big business, as anyone who has children knows.   Sure the initial spark, the idea, the seed can happen without much thought.  But to bring something into existence, we must nurture it.

Magic is a combination of the will and the way.  We must have the will or the belief, that what we seek to manifest is possible.  If we begin our journey with nothing but doubt, we will unlikely get very far.  I look at it this way…  There are millions of possibilities that reality can have for a person, by putting my will into a particular thought my odds of that manifesting become higher.  It starts by believing that I we are part of the universe, and connected to creation itself, then we must invest in the reality that I wish to see as ours…this is where the will comes in.  The will is not something to be beaten into submission, it is something to be surrendered to.  It is in fact ‘opening to Spirit’, allowing the groovetastic energy of the universe to flow through us, giving us more energy to put into our dreams.  The way is the directing of the energy, the path in which you believe it is best supported.  This is where all those tools and techniques come in.

When we have found within us the ability to ‘open to Spirit’, we then can utilize the energy through the use of methods and tools.  For some this is best achieved through following the teachings of others.  Which is why yoga classes, meditation, and shamanic studies are so popular.  But for some, the way is something unique to them.  It may be a combination of teachings they have hodge-podged together, or something completely created from their imagination.

I once met a man who taught himself how to divine the future, buy using a series of random items.  In his pocket he carried a washer, a rock, a coin, and a paper clip (or something of the such).  Depending on what item he drew, he could gather information on questions that were dear to him.  He had grown up in a religious community, and had never been introduced to the idea of divination.  Yet he found his way there.  He was able to do this, because he believed he could.  He knew how to open himself to Spirit.

Which ever way you get there, whether it is through the teachings of others, and 100 tools, or through something unique to yourself with nothing to speak of in the way of tools, as long as you get there, it’s ok.

Do not spend your time fearing that you will stumble into darkness, that your efforts will lead you in the direction of danger.  If you approach Spirit with the belief that you are connecting with beauty, love and healing.  That is what you connect with.  If you approach opening to Spirit as something dark, and filled with demons waiting to overtake you…well my suggestion is don’t bother, for you will most certainly not have a good time of it.

This is not the belief of dreamers and mystics alone.  Quantum Physics has proven that thought matters.  That we directly influence the world around us with our beliefs.  Let us create the reality we want.  Let us believe in the possibility of awakening consciousness, for if we are truly awake and connected, we will empathically understand the need to care for the world we live in, and the people around us.  We will choose to be beacons of light, sharing love with ourselves and others.  We will seek to make the world better for us being in it.

spreading love-salicrow


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