People often refer to me, as an optimist, and I suppose that is true. That being said; I am not blinded to the plight, humanity is facing in this time of tremendous change. To be an optimist, does mean we stick our head in the sand & wait for all the bad stuff to go away. It means; we choose to embrace the goodness of life, to tune ones vibration into the beauty, kindness, and joy, that life has to offer. Being an optimist is a choice, one that starts with a simple mindset…
Be the Change you want to see in the World. -Mahatma Gandhi
Seeing myself as co-creator, of my life and world; I live by the this motto. I often say, that ‘God does not help the lazy‘. This is not in reference to bumming around in our jammies, or wanting a simple life. But more a way of saying; that we are responsible for our own happiness. In life attitude is everything; for we all face hardships, each and every one of us. And, yes it is true; some people have far more hardships then others. But, that does not mean our struggles are insubstantial, because someone has it worst then we do. How we choose to experience those hardships, is what makes us who we are; better or bitter.
I chose LOVE, a long time ago. I am not sure when, or if it even happened in this life time. But, the truth of the matter is I chose to love the world around me, and the people in it; including myself. That does not mean, I like everyone. What it means is I choose to be kind. I choose to be compassionate, and as a general rule, I spread love around, as often as possible. In doing so, the world loves me back. For, genuine compassion and caring, is often responded to with….NEWS FLASH…compassion and caring. That’s right folks, what we give to the world, returns back to us.
Love is not limited to the intimate relationships of partners, parents, children, & siblings. It is something that should be shared with all, and often. It cost nothing, not a single cent; to be kind.
I find myself talking about love today, as the old ‘Red Heart Holiday’, is just around the corner. Valentines Day, in my opinion is a Hallmark Holiday. It is a way for Greeting Card companies, Florist, and Chocolate makers; to get a bit of a boost to their income. It is also a holiday, that makes many people feel like shit. Simply, for the reason that they do not have a partner. Hell, they may be perfectly happy with that decision 364 days of the year, but on Valentines Day; they are reminded that they are among the ‘partner-less’. Which some how translates to unlovable. But we must remember…love is limitless.
I propose that we start a revolution of LOVE. That we collectively, choose Valentines Day, as a day to dedicate ourselves to LOVE. Now, I am not asking you to picket the streets with banners and megaphones; declaring your love for the world (although, that would truly be an awesome sight). Instead, I am asking you to make a pledge to yourself; to share kindness & compassion, with yourself and others. It is amazing, how much a simple truthful compliment, can effect others. If you see an old lady wearing a smashing hat…say something. If you notice, the hard work your neighbor has put into their yard…say something. Buy an extra can or two of soup, when your out grocery shopping and drop it by the local Food Bank. Take 5 minutes out of your day, to talk to the lonely, old-guy; standing behind you at the post office. Look people in the eyes, look into their souls, and for a brief moment…share love.
While we are on the subject of sharing LOVE. I would like to point out the most important, starting place LOVE….ourselves. We must learn to love ourselves.
I believe the brain, is like a super computer. And, like a computer…it can be effected by bad programming and viruses. No child; new and fresh to this world, hates them self. That is a fact! The hate, and disapproval, we lavishly smear upon ourselves, was created by an outside force. The voice of an un-approving parent, a harsh teacher, or mean spirited peers; first created the negative language we speak to ourselves. Over the years, their voices fade, & our brain starts repeating the insults, in our own voice. When we repetitively spew hate at ourselves, we begin to own it.
One of the most powerful truths, I hold…is that I love myself. I truly do. Perhaps that is the secret to being an optimist; self love. Self love, can be learned. But it takes patience and dedication (back to God/Goddess not helping the lazy). Our dedication to love, needs to include ourselves. We need to speak kindly to ourselves; acknowledge our strengths and show compassion for our weaknesses.
Here is my go-to, Self-Love Generator.

Every day, spend 5 minutes looking at yourself in the mirror. Eye contact is crucial, so this is not a scanning for blemishes, pinching our belly-fat, cursing our hair kind of exercise. In fact, it is completely the opposite.
As you stand in front of the mirror, connect with yourself; through looking deeply into your eyes.
Now, say something nice about yourself. I don’t care what it is, but it must be truthful. “I am good with children”, “I have a great voice”, “I am have beautiful eyes”, “I am a dedicated partner”.
Notice, that the statements were made in the affirmative, with a focus on eye contact. This is crucial, as most damage/bad programming, come through statements that were made to us…declaring we were something. Many times these negative statements, were also made with eye contact. Our eyes are portals to our soul. Powerful healing can take place, when we use these portals (eyes), for positive programming. This exercise is meant to be done often; like daily…for weeks. But remember, it only takes 5 minutes. I will not lie to you, it is very hard to do. I have recommended this exercise to many of my clients over the years; and they all come back telling me how hard it was to do. In the beginning, you will most likely struggle, with kind things to say to yourself. But after awhile, you will find the truth & recognize just how amazing you really are.
Well, there is my rant on love, optimism and change. I hope you take the time this Valentines day, to start a Love Revolution, in your own life. I also hope, that you find it in you to spread love, wherever you go. Can you imagine how awesome the world would be; if we all chose to be compassionate, kind and loving. I hope you enjoyed the read Folks.
spreading love-salicrow