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Stories of Spirit…Love in a hateful world

Writer's picture: SalicrowSalicrow

I admit that sometimes I too am overwhelmed by the darkness that seems to be settling on our world.  At times it feels as if we are being pulled into a hateful ravine of ‘other’, in which society functions with the foremost thought being “Everyone who does not think exactly like me must be sinister, wrong & evil.”  This thought process has everyone walking on eggshells, expecting that at any moment they are going to say/do something that offends someone, or someone is going to say/do something that offends them.  Add to this an underlying fear from global climate change and the abyss can seem all-consuming.

In this time of global chaos, I chose every day to be a light in the darkness.  I center my mind and remember that I may not have a choice in how others/the larger world acts, but I do have a choice in how I personally present myself, and I chose LOVE along time ago.

My belief system is deeply rooted in the concept of ‘thought effects outcome‘; manifestation is in my blood.  I have been aware of my own ability to affect the world around me for a long time, and am quickly reminded of my ability when I let my thoughts go to anger & despair.  When I let myself sit in those feelings, the world around me does it’s best to prove to me how right I am; how fucked up and stupid human beings are and how there is no hope.  But you know what?  When I focus on love & abundance I see those things everywhere I go as well.  I prefer to live in a world in which happiness exists!

I believe none of us are here by chance, we are here at this moment in time, when the world is changing dramatically because we chose to be agents of change.  Each and every one of us is responsible for being the best version of self that we can at this moment of exponential growth.  Our consciousness is waking, evolving, and with that comes many aches and pains as growth is seldom easy.  We need to start acknowledging our thoughts, both conscious and unconscious.  It’s time to clean up our minds!

I am not saying that we must forgo drinking, smoking, and naughty (nudge-nudge, wink-wink) thoughts, I am saying we must clean up the continuous negative banter of our mind.  The outdated dogma that tells us we are eternally flawed and lacking in what is necessary for happiness, success, and love.

The first step to cleaning up one’s mind is to track its behavior… This is easiest done with the aid of a journal or notepad.  For a full day take note of any negative thought that crosses your mind, be thorough but quick, if we make it too tedious most of us won’t do it.  Simply, jot down the basic idea of the thought, was it directed at yourself or others, was it something you recognize as a frequent flyer?  Did it carry emotion with it, and if so what was the dominating emotion felt?

After spending a day critically looking at our thoughts, most of us are going to be awe-stricken by the sheer amount of negativity we express daily.  I know, as I have done this very thing, only mine was not done with a notepad it was done with the voice of ‘other/spirit’ keeping track of my pissy brain rants; the majority of which were directed at myself.  When I became aware of how much of my energy I was wasting or worse yet manifesting things I definitely did not want with, I was stunned and immediately could see how such things were affecting my life.

Our brains are like super-computers, and like computers they get viruses.  In the case of our mind, the viruses are often negative brain patterns, things we say over and over again, in the forms of self-abuse and entitlements.  If we examine these thoughts closely, following the strands of their being, we will find that the original seed of thought was not placed there by ourselves, but by others.  No child comes into this world believing they are ugly, stupid, or worthless, these thoughts are created by things outside our own belief.

When the thought demons we fight are not our own flogging, but a deeper fear, a fear of the darkness that is set on the planet, of climate change, political unrest, and world changes.  For these things, we must take comfort in the knowledge that we chose to come at this time of great change, and we must ask ourselves how we can be the best version of ourselves at this time.  For when we shine our light bright we do make a difference in the world.  It may be just a little one, but a lot of little lights can be brilliant.  Plus, who wants to go down like a punk?

spreading love-salicrow


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