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Stories of Spirit…Divination, Symbolism, & Non-Ordinary Reality [viewing in light trance s

Writer's picture: SalicrowSalicrow

I have lived my entire life with a view of the unknown, the hidden and the misunderstood.  As a child, I did not always know the difference between what I had been told and what I knew from elsewhere.  It was as if certain things just appeared in my mind as fact.  I just knew them and I didn’t bother trying to understand the how of it.  As I grew older, my mind became more inquisitive and I started to notice that not everyone saw things as I did; this realization didn’t occur until I was truly submerged in school, for in my home life my sister and my great grandmother ‘Grammy Brown’ also saw into the unseen world, they too existed in the betwixt & between.

In my study of the metaphysical, my brain eager to understand the experiences I had that were wyrd (connected to fate).  I discovered that in moments when knowing occurred or when I seemed to find the answer… I had stepped into the slip-stream, into the betwixt & between, the place of almost sleeping, when the subconscious mind is agile and fleet.

Another key to my understanding of Psychic ‘seeing’  was recognizing the relationship between symbols, and the subconscious mind.  My first scholastic voyage into symbolism came when I was in 7th grade and one of my parent’s friends gave me a book on dream interpretation.  I lapped it up like cream (or in my case a coconut-almond milk latte), my mind thirsty for more information like that.  I got it on a deep level and could link my own personal experiences with the playing cards Grammy Brown loved so much.  In fact many of my first Psychic lessons involved games of Memory and Rummy with her.  I thought she was cheating, letting me win, for often I had all the cards but a few.

My love of symbolism and of cards led me to the Tarot, which is still to this day my favorite divination tool.  I also picked up the Runes, and soon found myself Reading tea leafs, coffee grounds, the clouds and even the sand on a beach.  The key was to let myself slip into that space between, where the mind is fluid and to let the information present itself to me.  The more I knew of symbolism, the easier the communication was.  It was like becoming multi-lingual in a Psychic Seer kind of way.  I soon realized that I truly could read anything or nothing at all.  The symbolism could present itself to me in my mind as well as in the physical world.

When we are learning something, whether it be a musical instrument, the history of the State of Vermont, or to see into the unseen world, we need to practice, study and experiment.  We need to discover the way in which we learn best.  We need to trust our inner knowing and keeping a journal helps a lot.  Learn symbols, lots of them…and spend time with them non-scholastically as well.  Try placing a symbol on your bathroom mirror, where you can come in contact with it on a subliminal basis.  Choose a symbol that you want to activate in your life.  Choose to understand the symbol in a way that you really know it.  This is much like learning a part in a play, you need to memorize, feel and become the thing on a certain level, to truly get it.

The world is changing folks, we are living in exciting times.  Times when we can and should step into the strength of our being.  Start by allowing yourself to believe in the unseen world, when weird/wyrd events happen in your life, don’t turn first to the why it can’t be something.  Instead for a change allow yourself to sit with the thoughts of why it could be.

spreading love-salicrow


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