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Stories of Spirit…A journey with Gaia [sacred travel]

Writer's picture: SalicrowSalicrow

Sancreed Well

Sancreed Well

A few years back I traveled to the U.K., on a Spiritual Pilgrimage to marry the Earth.  As the symbolic completion of my Druid training, I journeyed with my clan mates (the folks I had spent the last 3 years studying with) to connect with the sacred landscape of England and Wales.  In many ways; the 3 years of training I went through, was one big courtship.  I learned a lot about myself and the responsibilities I have to the planet, I call home.  The training changed me in many ways, broadening my awareness…reminding me, how connected we are to the Earth and all the beings that walk, swim and fly upon her.

Last night as I sat in the darkness, listening to the wind and rain…my mind journeyed.  Journeying is a form of astral travel, in which we explore our inner world.  It is part hypnosis, part day dream, and part divine (godly) interaction.  My journey showed me much about the place I stand in life now, what doors lie before me, and what paths brought me to this place.  One of the things it reminded me of, was the time I spent on pilgrimage in the U.K. & of the sacred relationship I have with the Earth.

As someone who works in the Spiritual/Metaphysical/Psychic field, I often need to reminders that the work I do for others (although rewarding), is not my work.  It is not the same as dedicating time and energy to my own Spiritual Path.  That is why, I do take time for spiritual journey…both in the real world and in the world of spirit.  Last nights journey, brought into focus a particular memory of an Exceptional Moment of Spirit.  It was a moment in which I knew, without a shadow of a doubt…that the Earth was speaking to me.  As I thought about sharing the moment with you, I was reminded that I had already written about it, when the experience was fresh.  So today, I will reshare a moment of my life, that totally rocked my world.

Sally Browne & Madron’s Well

Druid pigramage to the UK 043

 It hardly seems like a month has gone by since I have returned from the UK, and again it seems like forever since I have been there.  I landed in the States and hit high speed preparing and celebrating…my 40th birthday & then my daughters graduation from High School.  I have meant to sit down and right about some of the tremendous experiences I had while on my magical journey & the time was just never there.  So here I am sitting in the parking lot of the local ice-cream shop typing away as I wait for my son to get out or work….

Druid pigramage to the UK 060

My trip to the UK consisted primarily of visiting StoneCircle sand Sacred Wells.  One of my most profound experiences happened around 2 wells in Cornwall.  First of all its important to point out that wells in England are not like wells in the U.S..  They are not deep dug holes in the ground, but places where natural springs have come to the surface.  These wells are often known for their healing powers and sometimes for their gifts of divination.  The first well we visited was in Sancreed.  This well was actually dug down into the earth a bit, and you needed to step down a few stairs to get to the well itself.  It was obviously cared for as there were tea light candles burning already lit inside.  As I walked down into the earth I placed my Runes into the water (I made a point of annointing them at every well I came too), and then annointed my third eye with the water.  I asked that my awareness be opened.  When I exited the well and put my Runes back into their bag, I then drew the Rune Gebo (gift or gateway).  I placed my ribbon & crow feather on the cloutie tree and sat down to absorb the energy of the place.

What is a Cloutie tree?  Thats a great question, and one that is important to this story.  A cloutie tree people place wishes or prayers upon.  The tree is seen as sacred, and the wishes are tied on with ribbons and such.  It is common to find a Cloutie tree near sacred wells.

Cloutie Tree @ Madron's Well

Cloutie Tree @ Madron’s Well

The next day I visited Madron’s well, also in Cornwall.  I was pretty excited about this as Madron’s well is known for its gifts of divination.   The path leading to Madron’s well was lined with Hawthorn and Blackthorn trees in bloom as well as other visual and scented delights.  When we got to the well, it was more of a pool in which the spring had gathered.  There was a beautiful Hawthorn tree growing beside it decorated with ribbons and wishes.  I gathered my feather & ribbon and went to place it on the tree, only to be stopped in my tracks, stunned.  There in the space I went to place my ribbon was a tag hanging from the branch, with my name on it.  Not just my first name, but my maiden name as well.  The spelling of the name was slightly differant, as the last name Brown had an E at the end…and the first name was spelt the same as my given name (I changed the spelling of my name when I was 14).  The tag in front of my clearly said Sally Browne.  I immediately began to cry, and explain to those who were traveling with me, that this was my name…not just my first name, but my given name at birth. Seeming appropriate, I ripped a peice of paper from my journal and wrote my name Sali Brown Tetreault to place beside of Sally Browne.   I spent a lot of time at this spot of the well, the rest of my companions traveling down the path to the old chapel where the well runs through a wall.

Druid pigramage to the UK 059

While sitting there the tree kept telling me I needed to take a piece of it.  I wasn’t sure how I was going to do this, as it was laden with peoples ribbons and wishes.  Then my friend Steve came down the trail carrying his handsaw (he was collecting wood on the journey for his ogham).  I borrowed his saw and traced a branch deep into the bushes where no ribbons were present.  I carefully cut a piece to bring home with me to the U.S.

I did eventually make it to the chapel, it was beautiful and  magical in its own right…but not as sacred to me as the spring by the cloutie tree.  On the way down the path heading out, I decided to read what was written on the back of Sally Brownes tag, & again I was blown away…on the back of her tag it said…”I want to wake up and smell it” (become more aware) & below her wish was the Rune Gebo…the same wish, and Rune I had drawn the day before.  As I said in my earlier note, I truly felt as if I was courted and welcomed by Gaia on my trip…this experience was one fo the ones for me that truly spoke wonders.

Well there you have Folks, an Exceptional Moment of Spirit.  The moment, the Earth/Gaia, accepted me as one of her partners. Life is full of magic, and the unexplained.  Take time to connect to yourself and the world around you.  And, for those of you wondering at the name thing…Salicrow, is my spiritual name & the one I choose to go by.  Hope you enjoyed the read.

spreading love-



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