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Writer's picture: SalicrowSalicrow

The old saying of Time moving faster the older you get seems to be an accurate one! It seems I turned around and a whole year went by in a whiz-bang-shazam of a moment...

2023 has been a powerful; if not gentle, year of transformation for many people. As a seven in numberology (2+0+2+3=7), it was a year full of letting go and becoming, with people finding their life rearranged either by their own doing, or the doings of the world around them. Relationships, careers, and living situations were top priority in the revamp 2023 had to offer, with most of us having significant change in one or more of the areas!

On a personal level, 2023 was a powerhouse of a year; not surprising as my LIFE PATH NUMBER (the number we get to by breaking down our date of birth to a single digit) is also a 7, and that's not all... My age (52) also breaks down to a 7, as does the number of years I have been with my partner (34), and many other anniversaries that are significant to my spiritual path. With this in mind, I knew going into the year that it would be a powerful year of transformation; particularly when it came to my Soul Purpose!

As my Soul Purpose is directly connected to my work as a Psychic Medium and author, it was not surprising to have expansion in this area of my life, that being said I was not expecting it to be as expansive as it was. But looking back in review, I'm a bit awestruck at the magical splendor life provided for me this year, and I am deeply thankful to all of you for being part of it.


*My third book, SPIRIT SPEAKER, A Medium's Guide to Death & Dying came out in April, 2023.

*I made my second appearance on OPEN MINDS w/Regina Meredith on GAIATV, after the producer called me to tell me that my first episode (that aired in October of 2022) was the MOST WATCHED episode GAIATV ever!

*The PATH OF ELEMENTAL WITCHCRAFT (published in May 2022) remains in the top 100 list on Amazon in multiple catergories

*I did over 50 podcast and radio interviews (nationally & globally); including COAST TO COAST w/George Noory, and LIVING 4D w/Paul Chek, and wrote articles for metaphysical magazines in The UK & Australia.

*I did Psychic Readings & Spirit Communication for people in over 30 COUNTRIES!

*I spent 2 weeks in Ireland with my family (husband, children, grandchildren) exploreing and researching.

*I opened my new studio in St.Johnsbury, VT just before the new year in 2022. This year I offered multiple Psychic Soirées, and hosted a fabulous WITCHES BALL in October!

*I'm wrapping up my 4th book on Psychic Development and Cartomancy, with hopes to have the finished draft to my publisher before years end.

It's been a lot of fun, and there's more to come...

I can't wait to see what 2024 brings!

I invite you to take this time between holiday functions, and snow days to reflect on the year that is passing. Make note of your accomplishments; great and small, and celebrate the beautiful wonder that is your life! 2024 is an 8 in numberology (2+0+2+4=8). Eight is a powerhouse of a number associated with success, financial gain, and achievement; the kind earned through hard work and dedication! For those who have spent 2023 being torn ashunder; shedding layers of bad relationships, jobs, and surroundings, 2024 will be a time to usher in the new growth, through dedication and personal power.

spreading love-salicrow

THE WINTER WITCH's Psychic Soiree

FRIDAY, DECEMBER 8th 4-7:45pm

The Pearl, 301 Pearl Street, ST. Johnsbury, VT 05819

Get your sparkle on, and join at THE WINTER WITCH'S PSYCHIC SOIREE...Psychic Readers, Aura Photography, Reiki, & Magical Marketplace! Along with our magical offerings, the town of St. Johnsbury's streets will be bustling with stores open late, fireworks and fun activities for the family!

Holiday Spirit Gallery w/Salicrow 8pm-

Buy Tickets to the SPIRIT GALLERY here...

The Winter Witch's Psychic Soiree is part of the town wide celebration ST. JAY SPARKLES!



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