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Practical Magic

Writer's picture: SalicrowSalicrow

The Practice of Magic comes in many forms; some are more complicated than others, but I believe that magic is something we all can do! Simply put magic is the manipulation of events through extraordinary forces. In this understanding prayer and conscious manifestation are acts of magic! Spellwork is simply another way of describing the act of manifestation, and it comes in a plethora of forms itself; just as there are different forms of prayer depending upon the religion being practiced. While there are those that will tell you that their way is the only proper way of performing a spell, the truth is there is not a singular root to magic more powerful than another, the true key is to understand how you manifest and to hone your own magical understanding.

I personally like my magic to be practical, as I practice acts of magic constantly throughout my day; making it more of a life path than an event! I practice magic when I make my coffee in the morning, and when I prepare my bath. I practice magic when I start a fire in my woodstove, and when I drive to work. The utensils I use to cook, and those I personally eat with are aligned with my self-work, the jewelry I choose to wear and the way I put on my makeup all have bits of magic woven into them. While I do practice larger acts of magic; particularly healing and connecting with the Earth and Elemental Beings, I find that magic is simply part of my life!

There is a deep desire brewing in the hearts of many, a desire to have a deeper connection with oneself and the universe we are a part of. Magical conversation is no longer reserved for dark nights and hidden alcoves, it now shows itself proudly on display at our favorite bookshop, and peeks at us from the shelves of TJMaxx and Sephora. Tarot Cards, spell candles, sacred sprays, crystals, the list goes on...we as a collective are waking up and wanting to embrace our own magic! We want to be empowered with our own connection to the divine, instead of waiting for someone else to preach to us about what the divine wants from us. This search does not discriminate against any religion, as every religion has its own mystical teachings and magical practices.

For me, magic is best approached through nature! Spending time in the wild places, listening, watching, and simply being, I often find that the answers I am seeking naturally present themselves and that using items found in nature helps me focus more on that which I am manifesting. It is true that books and websites are truly an asset when it comes to understanding the basic tenants of magical practice and technique, but the real magical bits come when we are able to get out of our thinking mind and allow ourselves to perceive our goals as attainable. Spell components and techniques help us build a belief in our mind that what we are working toward is indeed achievable, as we humans like to solve problems and are always looking for the 'how to' of things. Components often come with an energy of their own, and knowing exactly what energy they carry comes two ways...first by holding the item, looking at it, feeling it, and asking yourself what energy it carries. Secondly, we get feedback from the collective by researching the item in books and through websites.

A Book of Shadows is an educational journal used to track our magical experiences. It is where we write the spells we perform, and later critique their effectiveness. It is where we track our divinations and communications with the world of spirit. Unlike a diary in which we process our emotional experiences and day-to-day life, our Book of Shadows is a tool for developing our magical practice, showing us the magic that works best for us and giving us the ability to repeat our work if the need arrives.


In this workshop, Salicrow dives into the details of the development of a Book of Shadows. A thoughtfully maintained Book of Shadows is the number one tool a magical practitioner wields to understand their process, document Wyrd findings, and move forward on their journey of psychic development.

A Book of Shadows is an educational journal used to track our magical experiences. It is where we write the spells we perform, and later critique their effectiveness. It is where we track our divinations and communications with the world of spirit. Unlike a diary in which we process our emotional experiences and day-to-day life, our Book of Shadows is a tool for developing our magical practice, showing us the magic that works best for us and giving us the ability to repeat our work if the need arrives.

A big part of Practical Magic is asking ourselves if the techniques and teachings are in alignment with our personal belief system, and whether we enjoy the working. If you love intricate spells with lots of instructions that require precision, then you may want to check out the magic of a more ceremonial nature. If you want to work with what you have around your house and feel a deep calling to the land you call home you may want to take a peek at Appalachian Granny Magic. If you feel a call to work with elemental spirits and the unseen world you may find my book The Path of Elemental Magic to be to your liking.

The Path of Elemental Witchcraft-

A comprehensive guide to connecting with the magic of each of the four elements: Water, Earth, Air, and Fire

• Details hands-on techniques, spells, and rituals paired with personal stories from the author’s decades of magical practice

• Presents teachings on working with each element in different ways--such as divination, communication, healing, protection, manifestation, and enchantment

• Explores elemental altars, scrying and reading the bones, undines, and fairies, working with runes and crystals, ancestral healing, weather sensing, fire gazing, candle magic, sex magic, and communicating with the Otherworld

The key to magic is exploration! We learn new techniques through experimenting and keeping track of our progress. Like anything we will get better with time, our skills and understanding will improve and we will become more confident. Remembering there is not one 'right way' to do magic, the more we are willing to read information from different sources, and watch videos from different teachers, the more we will begin our own understanding of magic. If we find a teacher whose work we like it's ok to follow their instructions, but remember it's also ok for us to tweak our magical working to fit who we are.

If you have begun your process, perhaps you made Moon Water during the last Full Moon, go ahead and write your experience down in your Book of Shadows, as well as the experiments you do with your Moon Water. How did you use it? Did you drink it every day for a month? If so what effects did you notice? Did you set it aside for spell working, make sure that's labeled and documented in your Book of Shadows as well, so you can track its effectiveness? Over time we all find what magic suits us best, and then the real work of becoming begins!

spreading love-salicrow



Many of us have caught glimpses of this otherworld and the beings who reside there, but lack the knowledge of how to properly engage with them. As we move through psychic evolution and the expansion of our consciousness, we are being asked to explore these realms, so that we may become healers and spell-weavers of a better world. This workshop is a window into that unseen world, offering participants the opportunity to see the world differently.



Psychic Readings, Spirit Communication, Healing, & Wyrd Consultation...


Salicrow's books can be found at all major booksellers, as well as many local shops.

Barnes & Noble, Amazon, BAM, Indie Books, Bookshop, Simon& Schuster

Salicrow on GaiaTV

OPEN MINDS w/Regina Meredith

How can we connect with the etheric elemental beings controlling our natural world? Psychic medium Salicrow has been on a path of extrasensory perception for her entire life, entering mediumship at a young age and connecting individuals on all sides of our reality through harmony within nature. Salicrow helps bridge the gaps between elemental forces of unseen realms (such as energies, elves, gnomes, and the fae) to empower individuals' extended perceptions of the natural world. She offers insight on how we can stay grounded during trying times by uniting with spirit through intentions and mindfulness.

*GaiaTV offers a 7-day FREE trial for those who want to watch without the commitment.

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