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Navigating Tower Times

Writer's picture: SalicrowSalicrow

I have often related to Alice; whose adventures in Wonderland were often outside the ordinary understanding of reality, requiring a nimble mind and strong sense of self. While most of my life's adventures have been laden with weavings of the supernatural, the instabilty I feel now is seemingly woven into the shared experience we call 'Normal'!

Sometimes it feels like we have stepped into a nightmare featuring a destructive circus of chaos and fear meant to turn neighbors against neighbors, while pick-pockets and bully boys rob us blind of our money and morals! Triggered by our fear response we find ourselves wanting to fight, flee, and hide all at the same time. We rub our heads and say 'How could this be real, how could this be happening?', and question how to keep ourselves and the ones we love fed, sheltered, and safe.

I have sat with these feelings myself. I have wanted to squeeze my eyes shut with the hopes that opening them again will show me the last few months have been nothing but a bad dream! I have jumped from emotion to emotion, thinking on how I can be of the most service at this time, how can I be the most useful, what it is I am to do, and still I struggle with seeing a clear path. It has always been important to me to stand aside from politics and see all people as having the same basic desires- love, shelter, protection, food on the table. It has also been my belief that these basic needs are something we all deserve, regardless of our color, sex, sexual prefrence, religion, nationality, or income!

In writing today it is not my intention to preach or scold anyone. It is my intention to speak from my heart, with a genuine plea that we remember who we are as people, that we hold onto our humanity and move through the world with kindness!

'Tower Times' is a phrase that compares how our current enviroment on planet Earth; politically, and environmentally, reflects that of the Tower Card in the Tarot. It is subject that has been discussed and written about by psychics, astrologers, and philosphers many times over the last decade. In order to navigate 'Tower Times' successfully (with the least bumps and bruises) we must first understand what The Tower represents.

The Tower -XVI.

( Tarot as Storyteller, June 2025)

The Tower is the card of the times! Most people have become

familiar with it thanks to COVID-19. Having a pandemic is a surefire

way for people to get a close-up view of what it means to be living in

Tower Times. In short, the Tower represents catastrophe or unexpected

trouble of a life-rearranging kind. When the Tower shows up it is inevi-

table that things are going to change; the only thing we can do is deter-

mine how we are going to react.

The Tower card depicts a tower being struck by lightning, perhaps

having caught on fire or crumbling to the ground. In most cards two

people are falling from the tower: one is fretting and fighting the whole

way, and the other has given over to the experience, realizing there is

nothing for them to do but surrender. This to me is the question that

the Tower asks us, “How are you going to manage the transition?”

The Tower rearranges our life because the change it ushers in is

something we cannot avoid. No side-stepping the issue, no sticking

our heads in the sand, the Tower forces us to pay attention and to

choose how we are going to experience the inescapable challenge that

is before us. Have no doubt, no matter how you choose to interact

with the Tower you are going to be uncomfortable! But that does not

make the Tower a bad card, for the disruption it brings can just as eas-

ily bring us to a better place as it can destroy. It simply is a messenger

that these things we have been holding onto are no longer stable. It

has been hit by lightning and is on fire—we can’t ever go back to the

way things were!

The Tower forces us to change the way we have been living, as it

is no longer sustainable. The truth is we will all face our own personal

Tower card at some point in life. It is a difficult card, but—in truth—

the destruction it depicts was a ticking time bomb to begin with. The

systems that collapse under such adversity are broken to begin with; the

destruction of the Tower just makes the move for us, throwing us out

of the broken tower that no longer serves us. The Tower is not a house-

wrecker that comes in and destroys all that we love. Instead, it is a flood-

light shining on the broken bits we have been holding together with duct

tape. When things start to fall apart, we are not really surprised by what

part of the system fails, for there have been telltale signs for ages.

When the Tower comes up in a reading, we need to forget about

stopping the change, and instead decide how we want to weather it.

The Tower is a chance to evolve! By really looking at the things that

are falling away, we can choose to create ourselves in a healthier more

functional way. It is important to remember that the difficulties we face

in life, and the lessons we learn through them, are often the very things

that define us—for they present opportunities to gain experience! In

many ways, we humans are like swords . . . we need tempering to create

the sharpest, most developed version of ourselves.

The Tower often represents a time of chaos; something that shows up in both the astrology and numerology of the year. Chaos is neither good nor bad, instead it is a raw force, much like lightning! Lightning is a prominant feature of most decks depiction of The Tower. When chaos comes into our life it is normal to want to hunker-down, lie-low and wait for the storm to pass. But sometimes the storm is so big we can not wait it out, and instead must plan how we are going to navigate safely through the tempest.

When superstorms show up we must reaquaint ourselves with our skills, and our liabiitiies. We must evaluate where to best apply our efforts and recognize where we will be of little use, or worse the way. Tower times require us to be brave!

Bravery is not being without fear, it is going forward in the face of fear! To be without fear is to be a fool! (wise words from my dad).

When the Tower falls we are all tested, but like the card it does not mean doom! It means transformation, and yes it means struggle. It is not going to be a cake-walk, with pleasant treats all laid out for our choosing. But for those who find focus and move with intuition Tower times can be rewarding and innovative. While the tower will bring some to their destruction, for others it is a time of grand becoming; in which hidden talents and recessed strengths surface. Keeping our calm, staying focused on what we can do, and remembering we are not alone, that we stand with others who also ride the storm.

Yes, it can be overwhelming!

I soaked in my tub this afternoon feeling the overwhelm of the times. I needed to meditate, I neededto ask my guides for direction on where I am of the most use. (Punk Rock Sali really wanted to go stand picket-sign in hand, declaring how much she hates Facists!) But the answer my guide gave to me was this 'Your words, your wisdom, and kindness are far more effective than a picket sign, you will reach far more people writing than you will on the street'. He then reminded me that love is a super power, and the language I speak and write best is that of LOVE!

I will not let the hatred of others turn me sour, I will remember that I am amongst many who are here to help the humans of this planet evolve. I know I am here for such times. I am boots on the ground!

I love people who are democrats, republicans, and independants.

I love people who are queer, non-bianary, and trans.

I love people of all race, ancestry, and nationality.

I love people of all religions.

I love my neighbors even if their beliefs are not like mine.

I believe we all have a write to live our life in peace, and safety.

I believe in taking care of the poor, diabled, and elderly.

I believe that food should not be a luxury item.

I believe Veterans deserve to be taken care of with dignity.

I believe our National Parks should be taken care of, and remain NOT FOR SALE!

I believe change is needed in our infastructure, but not with the force of a wrecking ball.

I believe we need to question a system that serves the richest amonst us.

I believe humans are kind by nature.

I believe we are all capable of doing the right thing.

I believe good things are never accomplished through hate.

I believe we must stand against Facism!

spreading love-salicrow


1 Comment

Love, love, LOVE this so much! So much gratitude to you.


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