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Writer's picture: SalicrowSalicrow

When we reside in a place and care for it, we blend our energy with the energy of the land we call home, making us part of the Genius Locus (Spirit of Place); this is not always a purposeful thing but always a thing. We know this, for all of us have moved into a new home and felt the residual energy left behind by previous occupants. This blending becomes even more so when there is a deep love for the land, and the human steward has lived there for many years. As a psychic medium, I have been called to many homesteads, for spirit activity that turned out to be a previous owner; who in the afterlife decided they preferred to stay connected to the land they love, then move on.

GENIUS LOCUS-The Spirit of Place

The Genius Locus is the essence of the ‘Spirit of Place’; the energetic being created by the green living things, soil, and rock of a landscape, Devas are the personification of smaller land spaces, such as gardens, meadows, and groves. These nature spirits are tied to the land they tend, and when worked with respectfully, often bring about fertility and abundance to that which they tend.

DEVA- The personification of small gentle landscapes such as gardens, meadows, and groves.

I began working with the Devas of my property when I began harvesting the lands on which I live; so pretty much the summer after moving there. While I did not know the proper protocol, or even to whom I was communicating, I recognized immediately that different places on the property carried different energy; even if they were growing, the same plants. Over time, I began to sense and eventually see, these beings, catching glimpses of their faces as they moved and shifted through the berries and brush. The more I sang to the land, praised it, and made note of how magical I found it, the more often I saw them. At first, I believe my viewings were completely accidental, catching glimpses of them as they moved through the greenery, but over time, as my relationship with the land grew, these sightings became more purposeful, for they wanted me to see them.

Devas can be found on the land you care for, or in other spaces that are treated as sacred; such as gardens in graveyards and public parks; however, making contact with them will be easier on land that you personally tend.

Around the time of my major spiritual opening; which I refer to as the November Incident, and wrote about in my memoir ‘Jump Girl’, I had a full-on encounter with a Deva. I was walking with my husband through the front meadow, looking at the blueberries; assessing the bounty that lay before us, I caught a glimpse of a green movement out of the corner of my eye. By nature, I held my head still; knowing that if I were to turn and look directly at it, I would most likely look through it, as such was the way of spirit. Engaging in wide-angle vision, I could see that the being was humanoid in shape, with coloring similar to the greenery it moved through. It appeared to be androgynous in nature; first striking me as female, and then as a young man. I did not waste my time thinking long about what the sex of the being I saw was, as such things are irrelevant. I watched carefully, expecting the being to disappear, but instead, I saw that it was watching me.

Realizing the elemental had no plan to flee, and knew perfectly well that I could see it, I became more straightforward. Introducing myself, I stated my name out loud and asked it why it was there. While I stood there, watching the nature spirit watch me, I felt as if my energy body was being read, and I was being evaluated. After a few moments of this, it disappeared; simply stepping sideways, and slipping through the veil in two-dimensional form.

Elemental beings have the ability to become invisible by slipping into the second dimension. This is particularly true of those beings that fall into the category of ‘Gnomes’; elves, gnomes, brownies, and devas, who all possess traits of camouflage or invisibility. I arrived at this explanation after a long run of encounters with a being I believe to be an elf, that happened over many years; in which I believe the being was purposely showing me its trick, repeatedly slipping from visible to not, in a blink of an eye. Whenever I would see it, in my field, in the tree line, and in the woods, it would wait until eye contact was made, and then step sideways and disappear. Through this understanding, of nature spirits' ability to step into two-dimensional space, I began using wide-angle vision to scan the area after an elemental being became invisible, waiting and watching for them to step out of it again, in another location. Time and time again, this proved itself to be true, and so my theory remains one of my steadfast beliefs in regard to gnomes and earth elementals of the gentile kind.

WIDE ANGLE VISION- Softening the gaze, looking down the nose slightly, and allowing our vision to expand to the peripheral. Wide Angle Vision is easily achieved through the same methods as were used for looking at 3-D art; popular in the 1990's.

The Deva of the meadow, became a constant presence for me whenever I was in the field, often directing me to the best berry patches and the trees that needed tending. In my experience, their communication was never through words, but instead delivered telepathically through images in my mind, or by literally leading me to places, by inviting me to follow them as they moved through the shrubbery. For my part, I try to give thanks to the Devas whenever I am gathering and harvesting, praising them for their beauty, fat berries, and the beauty of the wildflowers that grow in their presence. I do not begin to understand half of what they have to teach, as I am not much of a gardener, but I have become more acquainted with them this year, as I have taken on a new desire to know the plants that grow on my land and the best ways to make use of them.

While it is the Deva who leads me to the plants, I should pay attention to, over and over again, highlighting their presence, and sharing with me an innate knowing that it has medicinal or nutritional value, I confirm my findings by looking the plant up through a plant identification app. I love how science and technology have made it so easy to prove the innate knowledge that nature spirits whisper in our ears. I get excited every time and give thanks to the Devas for their teachings.

In truth, the relationship is one that is based on love, work, and praise. Devas truly want to be noticed for their work. When we complement the beauty of our gardens, groves, forests, and fields, we are in truth giving thanks and praise to the spirits of nature who aid us in our growth. Just as house plants have proven to be healthier and happier when given love and appreciation, so too is the case with the larger plots of greenery we care for.

Devas, like the spirit of place itself, can be called into being through acknowledgment and honoring. When we place an earth altar in our garden, we make the first step toward calling elemental caretakers. They love things of beauty and work with us to create more of them. There is no spot too small, even a sacred window box can be cared for by devas if you take the time to work for it, just as the space we tend does not necessarily have to be at our homestead. We can create places that are inviting to elemental beings in our local parks, as well as forested trails we visit. The key with Devas is they prefer places of beauty; which means if you are trying to reclaim an environmental place that has been treated poorly, you will most likely have to do some big work on the place before they will accept your invitation to cohabitate.

spreading love-salicrow

The Path of ELEMENTAL WITCHCRAFT, A Wyrd Woman's Book of Shadows

Witch Salicrow (Jump Girl) delivers a meandering handbook for practicing witchcraft with the four elements: water, earth, fire, and air. The author discusses her personal experiences with each element and covers the basics of engaging them with magic, including how to communicate safely with “elemental beings,” make offerings to spirits and places, and build altars outdoors and at home. For instance, Salicrow describes when she encountered water spirits known as undines in a stream and provides instructions for receiving supernatural messages by dripping food dye into a bowl filled with water as one gazes at it and asks questions of the “spirit of Water.” Other rituals teach how to cleanse one’s “energetic body” by burning herbs, create a “magical hearth” by requesting protection from the “spirit of Fire,” and welcome land spirits known as devas by praising plants in one’s garden. While Salicrow’s exploration of the temperaments of the elements enlightens, the surfeit of superfluous personal anecdotes tends to distract, and cursory explanations of magical concepts, often relegated to footnotes, will leave novices in the cold. Seasoned practitioners will find this fitfully illuminating.

Publishers Weekly


July 21-23rd, Solstice Meadow, Newark VT

Join Salicrow, Psychic Medium for a weekend of Psychic Development & Elemental Witchcraft. Using the elements of earth, air, fire, and water we will explore divination, geomancy, aura manipulation, glamour, and psychic sensing through interactive learning, and ceremony.

EARTH MAGICK Pendulum Necklace

Salicrow's Elements of Magick Collection


Adorn yourself with the jewels of Earth + manifest your reality! Grounding + centering with every pendulum swing you become the Earth Witch; rooted, healing, and growing…


From now until July 4th psychic readings are on special!





(pop-up Psychic Soiree)

JUNE 30th 5-8 pm, Seance 8-9pm

*Admission is FREE, and all Psychic Readings are $25

*Purchase Tickets for the Seance/Spirit Gallery below

Step through the secret garden-door and into the enchanted realm of The Pearl. While the town is fully lit up for FINAL FRIDAY the lights will be dimmed at this spirited soiree. Salicrow and The Kingdom Black Hat Society welcome you to join us for an evening of Divination, Spirit Communication, and Enchantment…

*Psychic Readers

*Intuitive Healers

*Aura Photography

*Magical Vendors

*Spirit Speaker- book signing

*Séance w/Salicrow

*Light Refreshments & socializing

In the lead-up to THE WITCHES BALL in October Salicrow will be ENCHANTING THE KINGDOM with three magical pop-ups at The Pearl, aligned with St. Johnsbury’s Final Friday downtown celebrations on June 30th, July 28th, and August 25th. Between the hours of 5-8pm The soiree will offer curated psychic readers & healers, aura photography, book signing, and premium magical vendors. The evening will finish up with a gallery-style SÉANCE w/Salicrow, Psychic Medium (pre-purchased tickets are required for the Séance).

Those who know, know…


Enchanting the Kingdom


June 30th - St. Johnsbury, VT

Join Salicrow, Psychic Medium and author of SPIRIT SPEAKER, A Medium’s Guide to Death & Dying for an enchanted evening of Spirit Communication in the heart of the Kingdom!

7 Tickets Left

SAVE THE DATE... October 28th, 2023

I am super excited to share this with you all! I am hosting the first WITCHES BALL in the heart of the Kingdom. This is a chance to put on your Witchy finest, and dance the night away!

I have 100 tickets to this exclusive event, and special room rates secured with the local hotel so you can fly in from whatever magical corner of the world you live in. This is an event you do not want to miss. Keep an eye out through the summer as I will be giving away FREE TICKETS to 3 lucky witches.

Tickets go on Sale- September 1st for Wisdom Keepers September 23rd for the General Public



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